Oremus for Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Finding of Moses, Nicolas Poussin, 1638

Antiphon https://tinyurl.com/wkte6j3s

I am the true vine and you are the branches, says the Lord.
Whoever remains in me, and I in him, bears fruit in plenty, alleluia. John 15

Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open,
all desires, known,
and from whom no secrets are hid:
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you
and worthily magnify your holy name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Music: https://tinyurl.com/ycn4djk5

O Lord, open my lips.
And my mouth will declare your praise.
Make haste, O God, to deliver me;
make haste to help me, O Lord.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Praise to you, O Christ, Alleluia!

HYMN: Fanny Crosby
Tune: https://tinyurl.com/yc66xbw6

1 Pass me not, O gentle Savior,
Hear my humble cry,
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.

Savior, Savior,
Hear my humble cry;
While on others Thou art calling,
Do not pass me by.

2 Let me at a throne of mercy
Find a sweet relief;
Kneeling there in deep contrition,
Help my unbelief. [Refrain]

3 Trusting only in Thy merit,
Would I seek Thy face;
Heal my wounded, broken spirit,
Save me by Thy grace. [Refrain]

4 Thou the Spring of all my comfort,
More than life to me,
Whom have I on earth beside Thee?
Whom in heav’n but Thee? [Refrain]


Psalm 126 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/y8tuft59)
1  When the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion *
 then were we like unto them that dream.
2  Then was our mouth filled with laughter *
 and our tongue with joy.
3  Then said they among the heathen *
 The Lord hath done great things for them.
4  Yea, the Lord hath done great things for us already *
 whereof we rejoice.
5  Turn our captivity, O Lord *
 as the rivers in the south.
6  They that sow in tears *
 shall reap in joy.
7  He that now goeth on his way weeping, and beareth forth good seed *
 shall doubtless come again with joy, and bring his sheaves with him.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 127 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/y8tuft59)
1  Except the Lord build the house *
 their labour is but lost that build it.
2  Except the Lord keep the city *
 the watchman waketh but in vain.
3  It is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early,
and so late take rest, and eat the bread of carefulness *
 for so he giveth his beloved sleep.
4  Lo, children and the fruit of the womb *
 are an heritage and gift that cometh of the Lord.
5  Like as the arrows in the hand of the giant *
 even so are the young children.
6  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them *
 they shall not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 128 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/y8ckoca7)
1  Blessed are all they that fear the Lord *
 and walk in his ways.
2  For thou shalt eat the labours of thine hands *
 O well is thee, and happy shalt thou be.
3  Thy wife shall be as the fruitful vine *
 upon the walls of thine house.
4  Thy children like the olive-branches *
 round about thy table.
5  Lo, thus shall the man be blessed *
 that feareth the Lord.
6  The Lord from out of Sion shall so bless thee *
 that thou shalt see Jerusalem in prosperity all thy life long.
7  Yea, that thou shalt see thy children’s children *
 and peace upon Israel.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 129 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/y7qelqeh)
1  Many a time have they fought against me from my youth up *
 may Israel now say.
2  Yea, many a time have they vexed me from my youth up *
 but they have not prevailed against me.
3  The plowers plowed upon my back *
 and made long furrows.
4  But the righteous Lord *
 hath hewn the snares of the ungodly in pieces.
5  Let them be confounded and turned backward *
 as many as have evil will at Sion.
6  Let them be even as the grass growing upon the house-tops *
 which withereth afore it be plucked up;
7  Whereof the mower filleth not his hand *
 neither he that bindeth up the sheaves his bosom.
8  So that they who go by say not so much as, The Lord prosper you *
 we wish you good luck in the Name of the Lord.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 130 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/y9lymrb2)
1  Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord *
 Lord, hear my voice.
2  O let thine ears consider well *
 the voice of my complaint.
3  If thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss *
 O Lord, who may abide it?
4  For there is mercy with thee *
 therefore shalt thou be feared.
5  I look for the Lord; my soul doth wait for him *
 in his word is my trust.
6  My soul fleeth unto the Lord *
 before the morning watch, I say, before the morning watch.
7  O Israel, trust in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy *
 and with him is plenteous redemption.
8  And he shall redeem Israel *
 from all his sins.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 131 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/yaxt75nj)
1  Lord, I am not high-minded *
 I have no proud looks.
2  I do not exercise myself in great matters *
 which are too high for me.
3  But I refrain my soul, and keep it low,
like as a child that is weaned from his mother *
 yea, my soul is even as a weaned child.
4  O Israel, trust in the Lord *
 from this time forth for evermore.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 126 (Plainsong: http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-126-1.mp3)
1 When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, *
then were we like those who dream.
2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, *
and our tongue with shouts of joy.
3 Then they said among the nations, *
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
4 The LORD has done great things for us, *
and we are glad indeed.
5 Restore our fortunes, O LORD, *
like the watercourses of the Negev.
6 Those who sowed with tears *
will reap with songs of joy.
7 Those who go out weeping, carrying the seed, *
will come again with joy, shouldering their sheaves.

Psalm 127 (Plainsong: http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-127.mp3)
1 Unless the LORD builds the house, *
their labor is in vain who build it.
2 Unless the LORD watches over the city, *
in vain the watchman keeps his vigil.
3 It is in vain that you rise so early and go to bed so late; *
vain, too, to eat the bread of toil,
for he gives to his beloved sleep.
4 Children are a heritage from the LORD, *
and the fruit of the womb is a gift.
5 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior *
are the children of one’s youth.
6 Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them! *
he shall not be put to shame
when he contends with his enemies in the gate.

Psalm 128 (Plainsong: http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-127.mp3)
1 Happy are they all who fear the LORD, *
and who follow in his ways!
2 You shall eat the fruit of your labor; *
happiness and prosperity shall be yours.
3 Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house, *
your children like olive shoots round about your table.
4 The man who fears the LORD *
shall thus indeed be blessed.
5 The LORD bless you from Zion, *
and may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days
 of your life.
6 May you live to see your children’s children; *
may peace be upon Israel.

Psalm 129 (Plainsong: http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-129.mp3)1 “Greatly have they oppressed me since my youth,” *
let Israel now say;
2 “Greatly have they oppressed me since my youth, *
but they have not prevailed against me.”
3 The plowmen plowed upon my back *
and made their furrows long.
4 The LORD, the Righteous One, *
has cut the cords of the wicked.
5 Let them be put to shame and thrown back, *
all those who are enemies of Zion.
6 Let them be like grass upon the housetops, *
which withers before it can be plucked;
7 Which does not fill the hand of the reaper, *
nor the bosom of him who binds the sheaves;
8 So that those who go by say not so much as,
“The LORD prosper you. *
We wish you well in the Name of the LORD.”

Psalm 130 (Plainsong: http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-130.mp3)
1 Out of the depths have I called to you, O LORD;
LORD, hear my voice; *
let your ears consider well the voice of my supplication.
2 If you, LORD, were to note what is done amiss, *
O LORD, who could stand?
3 For there is forgiveness with you; *
therefore you shall be feared.
4 I wait for the LORD; my soul waits for him; *
in his word is my hope.
5 My soul waits for the LORD,
more than watchmen for the morning, *
more than watchmen for the morning.
6 O Israel, wait for the LORD, *
for with the LORD there is mercy;
7 With him there is plenteous redemption, *
and he shall redeem Israel from all their sins.

Psalm 131 (Plainsong: http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-131.mp3)
1 O LORD, I am not proud; *
I have no haughty looks.
2 I do not occupy myself with great matters, *
or with things that are too hard for me.
3 But I still my soul and make it quiet,
like a child upon its mother’s breast; *
my soul is quieted within me.
4 O Israel, wait upon the LORD, *
from this time forth for evermore.


Lord Jesus, gentle and humble of heart,
you promised your kingdom to those who are like children.
Never let pride reign in our hearts.
In compassion embrace all who willingly bear your gentle yoke
now and forever. Amen. BCW


Now a man from Levi’s household married a Levite woman. The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She saw that the baby was healthy and beautiful, so she hid him for three months. When she couldn’t hide him any longer, she took a reed basket and sealed it up with black tar. She put the child in the basket and set the basket among the reeds at the riverbank. The baby’s older sister stood watch nearby to see what would happen to him.

Pharaoh’s daughter came down to bathe in the river, while her women servants walked along beside the river. She saw the basket among the reeds, and she sent one of her servants to bring it to her. When she opened it, she saw the child. The boy was crying, and she felt sorry for him. She said, “This must be one of the Hebrews’ children.”

Then the baby’s sister said to Pharaoh’s daughter, “Would you like me to go and find one of the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you?” Pharaoh’s daughter agreed, “Yes, do that.” So the girl went and called the child’s mother. Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this child and nurse it for me, and I’ll pay you for your work.” So the woman took the child and nursed it. After the child had grown up, she brought him back to Pharaoh’s daughter, who adopted him as her son. She named him Moses, “because,” she said, “I pulled him out of the water.”

HYMN: Psalm 34:11-22; para. Sing Psalms, alt. ©
Tune: St. David https://tinyurl.com/45p85wfk

11 Come here, my children! Gather round
and learn to fear the LORD.
12 Does anyone delight in life
and long to see good days?

13 Then keep your tongue from evil speech,
14 and practice what is right.
Desire to know the way of peace;
pursue it with your might.

15 The LORD’s eyes are upon the just;
he listens to their plea.
16 The wicked he rejects, and blots
from earth their memory.

17 The righteous cry; the LORD responds
and frees them when distressed.
18 The LORD draws near the broken heart
and rescues the depressed.

19 From all the troubles of the just
the LORD will set him free.
20 The LORD protects his every bone;
and broken none will be.

21 The wicked are condemned to death,
all those who hate the just.
22 God saves his own; they’re not condemned,
for in the LORD they trust.

Peter said, “I really am learning that God doesn’t show partiality to one group of people over another. Rather, in every nation, whoever worships him and does what is right is acceptable to him. This is the message of peace he sent to the Israelites by proclaiming the good news through Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all! You know what happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism John preached. You know about Jesus of Nazareth, whom God anointed with the Holy Spirit and endowed with power. Jesus traveled around doing good and healing everyone oppressed by the devil because God was with him. We are witnesses of everything he did, both in Judea and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him up on the third day and allowed him to be seen, not by everyone but by us. We are witnesses whom God chose beforehand, who ate and drank with him after God raised him from the dead. He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell on everyone who heard the word. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. They heard them speaking in other languages and praising God. Peter asked, “These people have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. Surely no one can stop them from being baptized with water, can they?” He directed that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited Peter to stay for several days.

HYMN: vv. 1-2 Lloyd Stone ©; v. 3 Georgia Harkness ©
Tune: Finlandia

1 This is my song, O God of all the nations,
a song of peace for lands afar and mine.
This is my home, the country where my heart is:
here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine;
but other hearts in other lands are beating
with hopes and dreams as true and high as mine.

2 My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean,
and sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine.
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
and skies are ev’rywhere as blue as mine.
So hear my song, O God of all the nations,
a song of peace for their land and for mine.

3 This is my prayer, O God of all earth’s kingdoms,
Your kingdom come; on earth your will be done.
O God, be lifted up till all shall serve you,
and hearts united learn to live as one.
So hear my prayer, O God of all the nations.
myself I give you; let your will be done.

Jesus told his disciples, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with skin diseases, and throw out demons. You received without having to pay. Therefore, give without demanding payment. Workers deserve to be fed, so don’t gather gold or silver or copper coins for your money belts to take on your trips. Don’t take a backpack for the road or two shirts or sandals or a walking stick. Whatever city or village you go into, find somebody in it who is worthy and stay there until you go on your way. When you go into a house, say, ‘Peace!’ If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace. But if the house isn’t worthy, take back your blessing. If anyone refuses to welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet as you leave that house or city. I assure you that it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on Judgment Day than it will be for that city.”

CANTICLE Micah 6:6-8
(Tune: Sharpthorne https://tinyurl.com/yafplab4)

What does the Lord require
for praise and offering?
What sacrifice, desire,
or tribute bid you bring?
Do justly,
love mercy,
walk humbly with your God.

Rulers of earth, give ear!
Should you not justice know?
Will God your pleading hear
while crime and cruelty grow?
Do justly,
love mercy,
walk humbly with your God.

Still down the ages ring
the prophet’s stern commands;
to merchant, worker, king
he brings God’s high commands:
do justly,
love mercy,
walk humbly with your God.

How shall our life fulfill
God’s law so hard and high?
Let Christ endue our will
with grace to fortify.
Then justly,
in mercy,
we’ll humbly walk with God.


God of glory, we praise you for your presence in our lives, and for all goodness
that you shower upon your children in Jesus Christ. Especially we thank you for
promises kept and hope for tomorrow . . .
the enjoyment of friends . . .
the wonders of your creation . . .
the love from our parents, our sisters and brothers, our spouses and children . . .
the pleasures of living. . . .

God of grace, we are one with all your children, for we are sisters and brothers
of Jesus Christ, and we offer our prayers for all whom we love.
Especially we pray for
those we too often forget . . .
people who have lost hope . . .
victims of tragedy and disaster . . .
those who suffer mental anguish . . .
ecumenical councils and church agencies. . . .

(Karin Simmons: https://tinyurl.com/y7vwp7dd)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread;
and forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.

God of love,
in your compassion
you reach out to the lost and helpless.
Continue this work through us,
so that your reign of justice and peace may increase;
through Jesus Christ, the Lord of the harvest. Amen. ACC

Music: https://tinyurl.com/y9efvwm5
Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen. 2 Cor. 13:14

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Since 1993, Oremus has been sent daily to hundreds of people around the world. It is done entirely on a volunteer basis and the resources are purchased by Steve with his own funds. If you could support this ministry, I would appreciate it. Thank you advance.


BCW Book of Common Worship, Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1993.

ACC Anglican Church of Canada, GS 2016 Trial Use Collects

The main scripture readings are © 2011 Common English Bible.

The traditional language psalms are from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). The modern language psalms are from The Book of Common Prayer (1979) and are chanted by Ryland Angel. 

Musical links are usually either to artists’ albums posted on Spotify or to recordings made available at smallchurchmusic.com. Audio stripped from YouTube videos is footnoted accordingly above.

Compilation © 2024 Stephen T. Benner. All links worked at the time they were created, but I cannot accept responsibility for their content or any damage resulting from their use. The linked content is under the control of the respective content creators and is subject to change at any time. Any copyright texts included in this compilation are provided for non-commercial purposes related to study or worship. Please contact the respective copyright holders for permission to use the texts in other contexts.

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