Oremus for Sunday, May 26, 2024

Three Angels Meet Abraham at Mamre (Holy Trinity), Andrei Rublev, 1425

Antiphon 1

All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth, alleluia*
go therefore and teach all the nations, baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
alleluia, alleluia.
V. Give ear, my people, to my teaching; *
incline your ear to the words of my mouth.
The things we have heard and understood, *
the things our fathers have told us,
these we will not hide from their children *
but will tell them to the next generation:

Almighty God,
to whom all hearts are open,
all desires, known,
and from whom no secrets are hid:
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you
and worthily magnify your holy name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Music: https://tinyurl.com/ycn4djk5

O Lord, open my lips.
And my mouth will declare your praise.
Make haste, O God, to deliver me;
make haste to help me, O Lord.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Praise to you, O Christ, Alleluia!

HYMN: John L Bell & Graham Maule ©
Tune: Lauda anima https://tinyurl.com/yc6pw45h

1 Praise with joy the world’s Creator,
God of justice, love, and peace,
source and end of human knowledge,
God whose grace shall never cease.
Celebrate the Maker’s glory,
pow’r to rescue and release

2 Praise to Christ who feeds the hungry,
frees the captive, finds the lost,
heals the sick, upsets religion,
fearless both of fate and cost.
Celebrate Christ’s constant presence:
friend and stranger, guest and host.

3 Praise the Spirit sent among us,
liberating truth from pride,
forging bonds where race or gender,
age or nation dare divide.
Celebrate the Spirit’s treasure:
foolishness none dare deride.

4 Praise the Maker, Christ, and Spirit,
one God in community,
calling Christians to embody
oneness and diversity.
This the world shall see reflected:
God is One and One in Three.


Psalm 119:105-144 (Anglican Chant: https://tinyurl.com/v825pov)
105  Thy word is a lantern unto my feet *
 and a light unto my paths.
106  I have sworn, and am stedfastly purposed *
 to keep thy righteous judgements.
107  I am troubled above measure *
 quicken me, O Lord, according to thy word.
108  Let the free-will offerings of my mouth please thee, O Lord *
 and teach me thy judgements.
109  My soul is alway in my hand *
 yet do I not forget thy law.
110  The ungodly have laid a snare for me *
 but yet I swerved not from thy commandments.
111  Thy testimonies have I claimed as mine heritage for ever *
 and why? they are the very joy of my heart.
112  I have applied my heart to fulfil thy statutes alway *
 even unto the end.
113  I hate them that imagine evil things *
 but thy law do I love.
114  Thou art my defence and shield *
 and my trust is in thy word.
115  Away from me, ye wicked *
 I will keep the commandments of my God.
116  O stablish me according to thy word, that I may live *
 and let me not be disappointed of my hope.
117  Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe *
 yea, my delight shall be ever in thy statutes.
118  Thou hast trodden down all them that depart from thy statutes *
 for they imagine but deceit.
119  Thou puttest away all the ungodly of the earth like dross *
 therefore I love thy testimonies.
120  My flesh trembleth for fear of thee *
 and I am afraid of thy judgements.
121  I deal with the thing that is lawful and right *
 O give me not over unto mine oppressors.
122  Make thou thy servant to delight in that which is good *
 that the proud do me no wrong.
123  Mine eyes are wasted away with looking for thy health *
 and for the word of thy righteousness.
124  O deal with thy servant according unto thy loving mercy *
 and teach me thy statutes.
125  I am thy servant, O grant me understanding *
 that I may know thy testimonies.
126  It is time for thee, Lord, to lay to thine hand *
 for they have destroyed thy law.
127  For I love thy commandments *
 above gold and precious stone.
128  Therefore hold I straight all thy commandments *
 and all false ways I utterly abhor.
129  Thy testimonies are wonderful *
 therefore doth my soul keep them.
130  When thy word goeth forth *
 it giveth light and understanding unto the simple.
131  I opened my mouth, and drew in my breath *
 for my delight was in thy commandments.
132  O look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me *
 as thou usest to do unto those that love thy Name.
133  Order my steps in thy word *
 and so shall no wickedness have dominion over me.
134  O deliver me from the wrongful dealings of men *
 and so shall I keep thy commandments.
135  Shew the light of thy countenance upon thy servant *
 and teach me thy statutes.
136  Mine eyes gush out with water *
 because men keep not thy law.
137  Righteous art thou, O Lord *
 and true is thy judgement.
138  The testimonies that thou hast commanded *
 are exceeding righteous and true.
139  My zeal hath even consumed me *
 because mine enemies have forgotten thy words.
140  Thy word is tried to the uttermost *
 and thy servant loveth it.
141  I am small, and of no reputation *
 yet do I not forget thy commandments.
142  Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness *
 and thy law is the truth.
143  Trouble and heaviness have taken hold upon me *
 yet is my delight in thy commandments.
144  The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting *
 O grant me understanding, and I shall live.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son :
and to the Holy Ghost;
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be :
world without end. Amen.

Psalm 119:105-112 (http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-119n.mp3)
Your word is a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my pathway.
I have taken an oath and I’ve confirmed it,
that I will keep your righteous laws.
I have suffered much; preserve my life, O Lord,
according to your Word.
Accept, O Lord, the willing praises of my mouth,
and teach me your laws.
Though I constantly take my life in my hands,
I will not forget your law.
The wicked have set a snare for me,
but I have not strayed from your precepts.
Your statutes are my heritage forever;
they are the joy of my heart.
I’ve inclined my heart to do your statutes,
forever,  even to the end.
Your word is a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my pathway.

Psalm 109:113-120 (http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-119o.mp3)
I hate the thoughts of doubleminded men,
but I love your law.
You are my refuge and you are my shield;
I’ve put my hope in your Word.
Away from me, you evildoers,
that I may keep the commands of my God!
Sustain me according to your promise, and I’ll live;
don’t let my hopes be dashed.
Uphold me, and I will be delivered;
I’ll always have regard for your decrees.
You reject all who stray from your decrees,
for their deceitfulness is in vain.
All the wicked of the earth you discard like dross;
therefore I love your testimonies.
My flesh trembles in fear of you;
I stand in awe of your laws.

Psalm 119:121-128 (http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-119p.mp3)
I have done what is righteous and just;
do not leave me to my oppressors.
Ensure your servant’s wellbeing;
let not the arrogant oppress me.
My eyes fail, looking for your salvation,
looking for your righteous promise.
Deal with your servant according to your love
and teach me your decrees.
I’m your servant; give me discernment
that I may understand your testimonies.
It is time for you to act, O Lord;
your law is being broken.
Because I love your commands more than gold,
more than pure gold,
and because I consider all your precepts right,
I hate every wrong path.

Psalm 119:129-136 (http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-119q.mp3)
Your testimonies are wonderful;
therefore my soul has obeyed them.
The unfolding of your words gives light;
it gives understanding to the simple.
I open my mouth and pant,
longing for your commands.
Turn to me and have mercy on me,
as you always do to those who love your name.
Direct my footsteps according to your Word;
let no sin rule over me.
Redeem me from the oppression of men,
that I may keep your precepts.
Make your face shine upon your servant
and teach me your decrees.
Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
for your law, for your law is not obeyed.

Psalm 119:137-144 (http://oremus.org/chant/Psalm-119r.mp3)
Righteous are you, O Lord,
and your laws are right.
The statutes you have laid down are righteous;
fully worthy of trust.
My zeal wears me out
for my foes ignore your words.
your promises have been thoroughly tested,
and your servant loves them.
Though I am small and despised,
I do not forget your precepts.
Your righteousness is everlasting
and your law is true.
Trouble and distress have come upon me,
yet your commands delight me.
Your statutes are forever right;
give me understanding,
give me understanding that I may live.


Holy God,
you are just in all your ways
and your commandments are the greatest of treasures.
Give us understanding of your law
and direct us according to your will
that we may be faithful in serving you
for the sake of Jesus our Lord. Amen. BCW


In the year of King Uzziah’s death, I saw the Lord sitting on a high and exalted throne, the edges of his robe filling the temple. Winged creatures were stationed around him. Each had six wings: with two they veiled their faces, with two their feet, and with two they flew about. They shouted to each other, saying:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of heavenly forces!
All the earth is filled with God’s glory!”

The doorframe shook at the sound of their shouting, and the house was filled with smoke.

I said, “Mourn for me; I’m ruined! I’m a man with unclean lips, and I live among a people with unclean lips. Yet I’ve seen the king, the Lord of heavenly forces!”

Then one of the winged creatures flew to me, holding a glowing coal that he had taken from the altar with tongs. He touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips. Your guilt has departed, and your sin is removed.”

Then I heard the Lord’s voice saying, “Whom should I send, and who will go for us?” I said, “I’m here; send me.”

HYMN: Gerard Moultrie
Tune: Picardy https://tinyurl.com/4c5xdbn9

1 Let all mortal flesh keep silence,
and with fear and trembling stand;
ponder nothing earthly minded,
for, with blessing in His hand,
Christ our God to earth descendeth,
our full homage to demand.

2 King of kings, yet born of Mary,
as of old on earth He stood,
Lord of lords, in human vesture,
in the body and the blood.
He will give to all the faithful
His own self for heav’nly food.

3 Rank on rank the host of heaven
spreads its vanguard on the way,
as the Light of light descendeth
from the realms of endless day,
that the pow’rs of hell may vanish
as the darkness clears away.

4 At His feet the six-winged seraph,
cherubim with sleepless eye,
veil their faces to the Presence,
as with ceaseless voice they cry,
“Alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, Lord Most High!”

So then, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation, but it isn’t an obligation to ourselves to live our lives on the basis of selfishness. If you live on the basis of selfishness, you are going to die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the actions of the body, you will live. All who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons and daughters. You didn’t receive a spirit of slavery to lead you back again into fear, but you received a Spirit that shows you are adopted as his children. With this Spirit, we cry, “Abba, Father.” The same Spirit agrees with our spirit, that we are God’s children. But if we are children, we are also heirs. We are God’s heirs and fellow heirs with Christ, if we really suffer with him so that we can also be glorified with him.

HYMN: Alan Gaunt ©
Tune: Highwood https://tinyurl.com/yc7k49t8

1 Eternal God, your love’s tremendous glory
cascades through life in overflowing grace,
to tell creation’s meaning in the story
of love evolving love from time and space.

2 Eternal Son of God, uniquely precious,
in you, deserted, scorned and crucified,
God’s love has fathomed sin and death’s deep darkness,
and flawed humanity is glorified.

3 Eternal Spirit, with us like a mother,
embracing us in love serene and pure:
you nurture strength to follow Christ our brother,
as full-grown children, confident and sure.

4 Love’s trinity, self-perfect, self-sustaining;
love which commands, enables and obeys:
you give yourself, in boundless joy, creating
one vast increasing harmony of praise.

5 We ask you now, complete your image in us;
this love of yours, our source and guide and goal.
May love in us, seek love and serve love’s purpose,
till we ascend with Christ and find love whole.

There was a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a Jewish leader. He came to Jesus at night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God, for no one could do these miraculous signs that you do unless God is with him.” Jesus answered, “I assure you, unless someone is born anew, it’s not possible to see God’s kingdom.”

Nicodemus asked, “How is it possible for an adult to be born? It’s impossible to enter the mother’s womb for a second time and be born, isn’t it?” Jesus answered, “I assure you, unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, it’s not possible to enter God’s kingdom. Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. Don’t be surprised that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’ God’s Spirit blows wherever it wishes. You hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. It’s the same with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Nicodemus said, “How are these things possible?” “Jesus answered, “You are a teacher of Israel and you don’t know these things? I assure you that we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you don’t receive our testimony. If I have told you about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has gone up to heaven except the one who came down from heaven, the Human One. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so must the Human One be lifted up so that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.”

(Chant by Joe Cox: https://tinyurl.com/ybzyundx)

We praise thee, O God; we acknowledge thee to be the Lord.
All the earth doth worship thee, the Father everlasting.
To thee all Angels cry aloud,
the Heavens and all the Powers therein.
To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry:
    Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth;
    Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory.
The glorious company of the apostles praise thee.
The goodly fellowship of the prophets praise thee.
The noble army of martyrs praise thee.
The holy Church throughout all the world
                              doth acknowledge thee,
    the Father, of an infinite majesty,
    thine adorable, true, and only Son,
    also the Holy Ghost the Comforter.

Thou art the King of glory, O Christ.
Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.
When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man,
thou didst humble thyself to be born of a Virgin.
When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death,
thou didst open the kingdom of heaven to all believers.
Thou sittest at the right hand of God, in the glory of the Father.
We believe that thou shalt come to be our judge.
    We therefore pray thee, help thy servants,
    whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood.
    Make them to be numbered with thy saints,
    in glory everlasting.

PRAYERS Joe Milner

For the Church: that our experiences of God will help us recognize God’s love, presence, and action in their lives and empower us to faithful service

For the grace of understanding: that we may be more aware of our dignity as daughters and sons of God and in union with the Spirit confidently call God “ABBA” as we experience God’s love and care each day

For a spirit of gratitude:  that we may recognize all the great things that God has done for us and with grateful hearts share our blessings with those around us

For all missionaries: that they may know God’s presence and strength as they share the Good News and that they may experience grace through the community of people that they serve

For the gift of courage: that we may be open to moving beyond our ordinary activities and be instruments of God’s love and presence in new situations and with new people

For all who are isolated from God and the human family: that they may experience welcome and acceptance as they encounter the Christian community

For all parents: that assisted by the Spirit, they may help their sons and daughters to know that they are truly children of God

For all married couples, particularly the newly married: that their love for each other may be a sign of God’s love for them and a reminder to all of God’s great     love

For children as they begin their summer vacation: that they may grow and be renewed this summer and be preserved from all harm

For greater stewardship of earth’s resources: that we may be good stewards of God’s creation and strive to protect it for future generations

For all who feel abandoned by God: that the Spirit will give them insight into the events in their life so that they may recognize how God is always with them

For all who are enslaved or caught in human trafficking: that God’s power will bring freedom to all who are in physical or emotional captivity

For all who have experienced abuse, injustice, or prejudice: that God will heal their pain, give them strength to live life fully, and reveal the structures that have contributed to their  pain

For an end to the pandemic:  that God will defeat the coronavirus, heal those who are sick, and give strength to all working against it, particularly in India and Southeast Asia

For the gift of peace: that God will open new pathways for dialogue in the Middle East so that all may live in peace and each family may live in safety

Setting: Sanford Dole https://tinyurl.com/y7ldq7h5

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread;
and forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,
now and for ever. Amen.

Eternal and ever blessed God,
Lord of heaven and earth:
we praise your glorious majesty.
Your wisdom is seen in all your works;
your grace and truth are revealed in Jesus Christ, your Son;
your power and presence are given to us through your Holy Spirit;
wherefore we adore your holy name, O blessed Trinity,
forever and ever. Amen. BCW

Music: https://tinyurl.com/y9efvwm5
Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen. 2 Cor. 13:14

Donation to Support This Ministry

Since 1993, Oremus has been done on a volunteer basis. If you are able, please consider supporting this work at the PayPal link below. For software reasons, I’ve set the value at $10.00, but feel free to change it. Thank you.


BCW Book of Common Worship, Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1993.

EH Exciting Holiness, Ed. Brother Tristram SSF © European Province of the Society of Saint Francis, 1997

FAS For All the Saints, Anglican Church of Canada.

The three main scripture readings are © 2011 Common English Bible.

The traditional version of the psalms is from The Book of Common Prayer (1662). The modern versions of Psalm 119 are © 2007-2019 Tom Quinlan. http://www.zcpress.org/music/psalm-119/

Musical links are usually either to artists’ albums posted on Spotify or to recordings made available at smallchurchmusic.com. Audio stripped from YouTube videos is footnoted accordingly above.

Compilation © 2024 Stephen T. Benner. All links worked at the time they were created, but I cannot accept responsibility for their content or any damage resulting from their use. The linked content is under the control of the respective content creators and is subject to change at any time. Any copyright texts included in this compilation are provided for non-commercial purposes related to study or worship. Please contact the respective copyright holders for permission to use the texts in other contexts.

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